What Our Doctors Say About Us
Please see the comments from some of our affiliated doctors

Jack Chang
After my education at Yale, followed by medical school, I was left with six-figures of debt. So, to avoid the rat race I started my medical career doing locums in rural and remote cities throughout Canada. As an life-long urbanite, however, I eventually returned to the city and became limited to working at walk-in clinics and traditional family practice. I was quickly consumed by the pressure to see as many patients as possible at the expense of quality patient care while still feeling underpaid.
Joining Gentle Procedures allowed me to change all of that. I now work at a world-class organization providing two surgical procedures that truly make a difference in patient’s lives. I have received excellent mentorship from Dr. Pollock in medicine, business and in life. I now wake up every morning excited by the challenge of my daily surgical cases and yes even running a business!
I also have had the exciting opportunity to travel to Haiti to train local Haitian physicians in vasectomy, which has garnered tremendous enthusiasm and respect from everyone I know. It allows me to contribute to global health in a way I never thought possible.
If you are just starting your career or in need of a change of pace, do not miss this opportunity.

Mohammad Sharier
After many years of running a general practice I was keen to consider the next step/challenge. Having a young family, I was trying to balance a career whilst making time for the important things in life.
I heard about Dr. Pollock and how he had so successfully developed his niche surgical procedures clinic, exponentially increasing his revenue whilst reducing his hours, and it all sounded too good to be true.
After a little investigation, I took a leap of faith and decided to sign up and go to Canada to meet and train with Dr. Pollock.
After a few days of intensive training I returned home to implement the new procedures into my practice and I’m pleased to say that things are going very well and I could not be happier with the outcome.
My revenue has gone up; my reputation as the local expert is being solidified and my work/life balance is improving significantly.
Thanks Dr. Pollock for making this unique opportunity available to Australian doctors.
The whole process start to finish was made so simple with your guidance, and with the help of your dedicated staff.

Pierre Crouse
I had been doing my GP practice for 30 years and really needed a change that was both challenging and rewarding. Challenging in learning new techniques and continually improving on it, rewarding in performing much needed procedures that not many other people do, doing it very well and efficiently and at the same time being compensated very well.
I am now doing 2-3 times better financially, working 30-40% less hours in the process, much less stress and planning more holidays without worries being able to afford it or worries about leaving regular patients unattended while away on holiday. Great continued support over the 6 years I’ve been involved and I continue to learn new techniques on improving quality of care to our patients.

Kevin Christie
After ten years of a very busy, broad based family practice I was burning out. I love medicine, but the pace and stress of general practice was wearing me down. Couple that with the demands of a young family and I was feeling trapped and overwhelmed.
While reflecting on my work-life balance I received a flyer advertising the opportunity with Gentle Procedures. I took a chance and flew across the country to meet Neil. We had dinner together to discuss the business opportunity, and I then spent a day in clinic with Neil to see if the procedures were actually as good as advertised. I was blown away. From the procedures themselves, to the entire Gentle Procedures process of training, launching the business and ongoing support – it is all very thorough and impressive.
So I took the plunge, invested the time and money, and was up and running quickly. I have NO REGRETS. I have learned so much, felt so supported, and have already started to see the benefits in my life. I highly recommend this opportunity. It’s a game changer.

Bob Reddoch
I was looking for something to help me ease out of a 25-year career in emergency medicine into semi-retirement in our area in eastern Ontario. I have been very pleased with everything I have learned from Dr. Pollock, including the surgical training, all the practical advice, and the educational and marketing materials. My goal was to have a moderately busy clinic several mornings per week, with ample time to talk with my patients and families, and we are there – where I wanted to be.
My training with Dr. Pollock was extensive and complete, and I felt very competent to return home to start my clinic. My patients and families are consistently amazed at the elegance of the two techniques. All in all, this has been and continues to be a great experience.

Roland Sing
I have been a practising Urologist for about 20 years and Gentle Procedures arrived at the right time in my life. I want to position myself for an ongoing successful career in a way that is consistent with my professional and personal outlook.
Gentle Procedures offers excellent opportunities because it’s a successful and growing organization with a solid base of good people. Leadership within the organization is fair, responsive, and collaborative.
Neil Pollock’s hands-on approach to training is superior to what I have seen at large institutions. He is very interactive, and makes no compromises in how he operates and how he looks after his patients and his business. As a surgeon, I can say that I have respect for his technical ability, his attention to detail, his availability to his customers, and his contribution to charitable activities.

Jay Buenafe
In my first year with Gentle Procedures I started offering Infant Circumcision at my practice and it this was a fairly successful year. We had a steady stream of cases each week. Little by little, with the aid of proper marketing, we received steady inquiries about circumcision over the phone and on the website. I dedicated 2 days per week to circumcision only initially, and I am not at all stressed on these days and have more accomplished – compared to seeing 40+ patients per day in Family Practice.
The clinic’s revenue was up in the first year in spite of the less hours I worked. All in all, I can say that this decision to offer Circumcision and train with Dr. Pollock has been a rewarding experience.
Since then I have added the no-needle no-scalpel vasectomy to my practice as well, with excellent results and growing revenues.

Graham Lohlun
In 2012 I had by chance heard about Gentle Procedures Clinic while working in a normal GP practice. As most GP’s know, the day to day drive of churning endless patients can take its toll on both mental and physical aspects.
Dr. Pollock and his clinic offered a very special niche in the medical field. Besides the impeccable training, Dr. Pollock has provided continuing support for any situation that may arise.
The franchise has not only opened a new medical opportunity for my career, but allowed me more flexibility to spend with my family. With every week in a growing practice, I feel very fortunate to be part of an organization that offers quality medical service without compromising my own lifestyle

Andrew Steinberg
As the owner of a urology practice I was looking for some additional procedures to increase our revenue. We wanted to add surgical procedures that were in high demand and we were very pleased to find a partner who could train our doctors effectively and efficiently as well as giving us a quick start with marketing and operations.
I have found Gentle Procedures to be an excellent fit for our practice and our revenue stream has grown faster than expected. We are now performing circumcision of all ages as well as vasectomy and we will far exceed our expectations in the first full year.
The support team at Gentle Procedures have been excellent on both on the operational and marketing front. It’s been a very rewarding experience and I look forward to many years together as a team and to continuing to build this business.

Elroy Shuker
I joined the Gentle Procedures group in Montreal and I have been very impressed by Dr Pollock and his support team. I received excellent training and I found that the knowledge the Gentle Procedures corporate management team had in growing this business to be tremendous.
The company also has a very positive vibe and energy about it and this was refreshing to me to work with people like that. It has been a very good experience so far, and has been one of the best career decisions I have ever made.
Thanks to the whole team for everything you do for me and for our business.
Learn how Dr. Pollock has transformed his life both professionally and personally by focusing on these niche surgical procedures